
Summer Expansion Workshop

Sat, July 8, 2023

WSY - Takoma Park

As we pass the Summer Solstice and the heat of Summer approaches its scorching peak, nature totters on the fine balance between expanding and wilting. This is the season to come into our most expressive version of ourselves, to find love and to be loved, and to manifest our desires whilst recognizing the need for equanimity, discernment, balance, and rest.

Summer is the most potent season for love, connection, and engagement with others and is associated with the Fire Element in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). In this workshop we will focus on rejuvenating and invigorating the Organs and Meridians (energy channels) of the Fire Element - the Heart and Pericardium - and the transformation of their negative emotional characteristics - Meanness and Jealousy - to Love and Joy.

The Fire energy of Summer is an expression of maximum Yang. We will use yoga asana, Qi Gong, meditation, and journeying to embody the expansive nature of the season.